Athens SWCD offers a wide variety of environmental and agricultural education programs at no cost to any school, organization, or club in Athens County. Our classroom programs are designed to meet "Common Core" Academic Standards. They are age-appropriate, geared toward the needs of the audience, and flexible in program topic, program length and group size. Call our Education Coordinator at 740-797-9686 ext.6282 to see how we can accommodate you!
Camp Canopy ScholarshipCamp Canopy will be held June 8 - 13, 2025. Each year the Athens SWCD offers at least one scholarship to attend the week-long event. This scholarship is open to all Athens County high school students including outgoing seniors and in-coming freshman. This camp has a reputation for giving its participants an exceptional opportunity to gain knowledge and skills that involve land, forest, and wildlife management issues. Scholarship applications are being accepted until March 14th.
2024 Grand Prize Winner - Elizabeth Boyd
Attention Photographers!
College Scholarship Available Any Athens County High School student that will graduate in 2025 and is planning to attend college and major in agriculture or natural resources is encouraged to download and apply for the $500 scholarship offered through this office.
Athens County
2024 Annual Meeting and Banquet Highlights
1st Grade Coloring Contest
Presentation on the "Managing for Oaks" was given by Cameron Bushong, ODNR Division of Forestry, Service Forestry Coordinator |
Joyce Bobo was re-elected to the Athens SWCD Board of Supervisors
Glenn Lackey was re-elected to the Athens SWCD Board of Supervisors
Science Resources for "Home" Science Lessons
from the
Athens Soil and Water Conservation District Education Coordinator
The following ‘links’ are meant to be a helpful resource in planning science based ‘core curriculum’ lessons and activities to keep your ‘home bound’ students learning. We will be updating and adding to these suggestions each week, so be sure to visit the site often.
Please feel free to use these as needed. If you have questions or need additional ideas, feel free to reach out to the Athens Soil and Water Conservation District at 740-797-9686 x 6282 or at [email protected].
Please feel free to use these as needed. If you have questions or need additional ideas, feel free to reach out to the Athens Soil and Water Conservation District at 740-797-9686 x 6282 or at [email protected].
Water Power and Erosion and the Simple Machine
Water Power and Erosion -
Water Power in the Simple Machine -
Water Power and Erosion -
Water Power in the Simple Machine -
The Water Cycle: Building a Terrarium - Water is constantly in motion. It moves from one state to another; solid, liquid or gas when the conditions are favorable. One of the best ways to watch this process is in the ‘micro-ecological-system’ of a terrarium.
Take your explorations of ‘Water Life’ to the next level with these activities...
Frog Calls:
Life in A Jar:
Life on a Window Sill Week 1:
Life a Window Sill Week 2;
Journey to the MICRCOSMOS:
Summer Reading: Grades K-2
1. A Drop Around the World by B. Shaw McKinney and Michael Maydak
2. Down Comes the Rain by Dr. F. Branley and J. Graham Hall
3. Magic School Bus: Rain by Pat Relf and Carolyn Bracken
4. The Water Cycle by Helen Frost
5. Why Should I Save Water? By Jen Green
Take your explorations of ‘Water Life’ to the next level with these activities...
Frog Calls:
Life in A Jar:
Life on a Window Sill Week 1:
Life a Window Sill Week 2;
Journey to the MICRCOSMOS:
Summer Reading: Grades K-2
1. A Drop Around the World by B. Shaw McKinney and Michael Maydak
2. Down Comes the Rain by Dr. F. Branley and J. Graham Hall
3. Magic School Bus: Rain by Pat Relf and Carolyn Bracken
4. The Water Cycle by Helen Frost
5. Why Should I Save Water? By Jen Green
Water Wonder Concepts and Water Wonder Activities - It is a clear, colorless, odorless and tasteless in its liquid state, it can be invisible in a gaseous state and as a solid is lighter than its liquid form and can float. Water’s properties begin with its molecular status. A water molecule has polarity meaning that the bonds that make up the molecule have slightly positive and negative ends. This polarity give it special properties...let's explore these water wonders.
Wondrous Wind Power - Students can continue their learning about weather and wind by exploring the 'power' it contains and its ability to provide power for machines to do work.
Scientific Methods - The 'I Wonder Circle' - Introducing students of all ages to the Scientific Methods.
Watching the Wind - Wind is part of the weather that takes place in out atmosphere. It often accompanies a change in the weather.
DIY Anemometer
DIY Anemometer
The Science of Weather Vanes and Wind Socks - Weather vanes and wind socks are tools for measuring wind direction.
Online Discount on Training for Teachers from PLT. (Keep checking this website as this office will offer a training this fall in the outdoor teaching using Project WILD and WET)
"Science Snacks" from Exploritorium
COSIconnects Daily Science Lessons and Lessons Archives
Online Discount on Training for Teachers from PLT. (Keep checking this website as this office will offer a training this fall in the outdoor teaching using Project WILD and WET)
"Science Snacks" from Exploritorium
COSIconnects Daily Science Lessons and Lessons Archives
Watching the Weather - Create a backyard weather station and record your daily weather using a does the weather change? How has it changed over time?
DIY Rain Gauge Instructions
DIY Barometer Instructions and Barometer Line Gauge
Watching Clouds
DIY Rain Gauge Instructions
DIY Barometer Instructions and Barometer Line Gauge
Watching Clouds
Watching bees buzz and flowers bloom - Bees are just one of many animals that we call pollinators. Pollinators are responsible for enabling a plant to produce, seeds and fruits. Many of the foods we love would not be possible without pollinators and especially bees.
Watching butterflies - The best time to attract butterflies to a feeder is mid-April to June. To have butterflies continuously in the summer, consider planting a butterfly flower garden.
Chat with a Biologist - The Division of Wildlife can help you with your
lesson by chatting with you and your students on a variety of topics.
Project WET ECE Toolbox - A Resource for Coordinators and Facilitators of Early Childhood Water Education.
lesson by chatting with you and your students on a variety of topics.
Project WET ECE Toolbox - A Resource for Coordinators and Facilitators of Early Childhood Water Education.
WHAT'S GREEN IN SPRING - Take your students on a scavenger hunt. "Green" will be their first search but there are many other discoveries to make.
Extensions: The Shape of Things and Creating a Leaf Rubbing
Extensions: The Shape of Things and Creating a Leaf Rubbing
THE WORLD OF WORMS - What is living beneath out feet? Have your students explore this hidden world by bringing it to the surface in this interactive activity they can do in their own backyard.
Extension: Create an in home worm composting box
Extension: Create an in home worm composting box
“Phenology; Seasonal Changes as a Science” Lesson -
Phenology is the study of the relationship of living things to seasonal changes. This activity will get your students outside to find out what is happening and how they can record these changes as a science methods activity.
Phenology is the study of the relationship of living things to seasonal changes. This activity will get your students outside to find out what is happening and how they can record these changes as a science methods activity.
(NOTE: Videos may be time sensitive and be removed from online access over time.)
Water Activities On-line by Project WET Foundation (grades 2-4) (grades vary by material)
- Ohio Educational Technology Agencies (for teachers)
- Ohio EdTech YouTube Channel (for teachers)
- Stanford News (for teachers)
Water Activities On-line by Project WET Foundation (grades 2-4) (grades vary by material)
District’s ‘Books and Bird NOTES’ project: Add a 'citizen science' element to
your classroom teaching! Every year our native birds are responsible for eating millions of unwanted insects around our homes and gardens. Loss of habitat and the over-use of pesticides have reduced their ability to thrive. In an effort to promote these beneficial residents and teach field investigation methods and citizen science, the Athens SWCD is inviting teachers and students in Athens County to become part of the Books and Bird NOTES program. Currently there are two elements to this project: 1) nesting bird box installation and monitoring and 2) a feeder installation and watch. We will supply the materials and instruction in a classroom visit. If you are interested in participating, contact our education coordinator for more information on how to apply for the program. |
What's Happening?
Athens County Classrooms and the Field...
A Fourth Grade ‘Erosion Explosion’ of Experiments
Landforms and wind, water and ice erosion is the basis of a series of experiments that 4th grade students will experience with this hands-on program. We will provide for your classroom, all equipment , lab sheets, and instruction. Designed to meet or exceed the Ohio Core Curriculum for this grade level, your students will have an opportunity to set-up and experiment to see the creation of many landforms first hand. Their observations will have them making proper conclusions regarding ‘cause and effect’ under various erosion conditions. Call today to set-up an appointment to bring this to your classroom. |
'Knowing and Building Better Soils'...A comprehensive Soils Series for 6th Grade!
The recent acquisition of an AEP Foundation Grant for Environmental Education has made it possible to create a comprehensive series of soils programs for 6th Graders. When the program is completed, the 6th graders will have knowledge of soil formation and horizons as well as the three features of soils: the Structure, through soil texturing, the Chemistry, through classroom testing and the Biology of soils, with an evaluation of the living organisms present in their school garden soils. They will make decisions on the health needs of the soils, if any, to successfully grow a garden crop and pollinator garden. Where possible they will make amendments to school soils using their new found knowledge. Give us a call and let us bring this very new program to your classroom.
The recent acquisition of an AEP Foundation Grant for Environmental Education has made it possible to create a comprehensive series of soils programs for 6th Graders. When the program is completed, the 6th graders will have knowledge of soil formation and horizons as well as the three features of soils: the Structure, through soil texturing, the Chemistry, through classroom testing and the Biology of soils, with an evaluation of the living organisms present in their school garden soils. They will make decisions on the health needs of the soils, if any, to successfully grow a garden crop and pollinator garden. Where possible they will make amendments to school soils using their new found knowledge. Give us a call and let us bring this very new program to your classroom.
Field Trips:
Recent field explorations found local students on a scientific field trip to Strouds Run State Park. They were asked the question: “Is this stream healthy?” Through the use of scientific method they explored the health of the stream by making physical, chemical and biological tests and observations of the area. They recorded their findings and drew conclusions based on those results. We would like to thank the Athens Foundation for their gift of grant monies to make the testing materials available to these students. Let us bring these program experiences to your classroom! Contact Athens SWCD for details. |
Classroom and Field Investigation Programming
We offer a myriad of hands-on, fun and interactive programs for any age. Our education coordinator will work with you to provide a program, either indoors or out, that best suits your curriculum's objectives and your students' needs. The following is just a sample of the possible classroom and field programs that are available by grade level. Click here for a copy of the Conservation Education Brochure.
Beyond these programs we also have staff experienced in Living Ohio History, Trees, Birds, Wildflowers, and Wildlife Identification and Programming.
Beyond these programs we also have staff experienced in Living Ohio History, Trees, Birds, Wildflowers, and Wildlife Identification and Programming.
Field Trips and Land Lab Development . . .
There is no better way to meet your learning objectives than through outdoor exploration, either in your schoolyard or at a stream in a nearby park. NOTE: Many field and classroom programs and topics can be tailored to fit other grade levels. We have field equipment to take your classroom to the field including soil testing, erosion pans, insect nets, aquatic dip and seining nets. Thanks to a 2014 grant from the Athens Foundation, we now have a portable field lab with microscopes, sorting pans, and testing kits to give your students the full field investigation experience.
Let us assist with planning your field trips, or developing an outdoor learning area on your school grounds, which can qualify for a WILD School Site or a PLT 'Green Team' project certificate. Call us!
Let us assist with planning your field trips, or developing an outdoor learning area on your school grounds, which can qualify for a WILD School Site or a PLT 'Green Team' project certificate. Call us!
Educator Workshops . . .
A variety of conservation workshops are offered to educators to help enhance their classroom lessons...
- Project WILD Note the Aquatic Wild Manual is NEW!
- Project WET
- Project Learning Tree (PLT)
- Flying WILD
- Food, Land and People
Are you in need of a resource to borrow for your classroom? We have an educator's Resource Loaning Library.
Thanks to the help of grants from the Ohio Environmental Education Fund and Canon Envirothon, we have a collection of many resources that can be presented by or borrowed from, the district free of charge for up to two weeks. Some resources include...
Thanks to the help of grants from the Ohio Environmental Education Fund and Canon Envirothon, we have a collection of many resources that can be presented by or borrowed from, the district free of charge for up to two weeks. Some resources include...
DVDs and Videos
Field Guides
Soil and Water Testing Kits
Water and Insect Nets
Models and Displays
Curriculum/ Activity Books
... and many additional education resources. Stop in and see what we can lend to you!
Field Guides
Soil and Water Testing Kits
Water and Insect Nets
Models and Displays
Curriculum/ Activity Books
... and many additional education resources. Stop in and see what we can lend to you!