H2Ohio Steps to Sign Up in Athens County
Step 1 – Contact Athens SWCD office to schedule an appointment (Monday, April 22 – Friday, May 31)
Step 2 – The OACI Certification and the Ohio Pays ID registration must be completed at some point before the P2 sign up is complete. You are welcome to do this before your Athens SWCD P1 sign up appointment, during your Athens SWCD appointment with the help of a staff member, or after your Athens SWCD appointment.
Step 3 – You MUST have the following ready to go before arriving for your appointment. If you show up to your appointment without any of these items, we will be forced to bump you back to the next available time slot. Available acres are not guaranteed.
Step 4 – Athens SWCD staff will work with producers during scheduled appointments to complete all sign up steps for the P1 Contract.
Step 5 – P1 Contract will be emailed to producer to sign. Payment will come after completion of P1 Contract.
Step 6 – Athens SWCD staff will follow up in future to obtain information regarding P2 Contract.
- Call at 740-797-9686
- Office at 69 S Plains Road, The Plains, Ohio 45780
- Office hours Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Step 2 – The OACI Certification and the Ohio Pays ID registration must be completed at some point before the P2 sign up is complete. You are welcome to do this before your Athens SWCD P1 sign up appointment, during your Athens SWCD appointment with the help of a staff member, or after your Athens SWCD appointment.
Step 3 – You MUST have the following ready to go before arriving for your appointment. If you show up to your appointment without any of these items, we will be forced to bump you back to the next available time slot. Available acres are not guaranteed.
- Have field boundaries (shapefiles from FSA, your soil testing people, or John Deere/Green Star) of the acres you want to enroll.
- Know the field acres and have the field “name” determined (you may name the field whatever you like)
- Can confirm you have up to date soil tests (calendar year 2021 or newer) for those fields.
- Have a valid email address.
- Are not currently receiving payments for nutrient management practices under any county, state, or federal program for the acres you want to enroll? Cropland enrolled in EQIP or CSP for any NRCS 590 practice are not eligible.
Step 4 – Athens SWCD staff will work with producers during scheduled appointments to complete all sign up steps for the P1 Contract.
Step 5 – P1 Contract will be emailed to producer to sign. Payment will come after completion of P1 Contract.
Step 6 – Athens SWCD staff will follow up in future to obtain information regarding P2 Contract.
Ohio Pays ID - A How To Guide |
OACI - A How To Guide |